This value varies for each trade center although some modifiers, e. Trade power determines how much of the entire pie you are going to get. El lugar y la sede: como alcanzar la biblioteca Note that it is not a value that has bearing on the amount of money in a node that is what trade value is for. Trade Power is a key factor of how much you actually are going to get. How much money you are going to collect for yourself, depends on the current trade power. What you want to do, then, is establish a transfer route from the starting point A, through B, to C, where you have great control and where you are going to collect the money much more than if you collected it in points A and B, where your share in the market is low. The larger your control over a given trade node, the larger percentage of the money, coming from the total, you receive. You dispatch merchants to trade nodes only within your trade range modified by diplomatic technology and ideaswhere they attempt to seize as much control over the local trade route as possible. This number can be increased through ideas especially Trade that provides three extra merchants and decisions.įurthermore, merchant republics have one more base merchant. There is a base number of two per each country.