
Hearts of iron country tags
Hearts of iron country tags

hearts of iron country tags

  • fullcontrol - toggles full control of all armies, allowing the player to control other countries' armies.
  • alienattack - will create a new country called "Alien Invaders" which will declare war on whichever country formally controlled the province with the.
  • Note: before v1.2, this cheat code was "neville".
  • acceptall - the AI will accept any diplomatic or spying action proposed.
  • Note: see below (event cheats) for more information.
  • event - triggers an event for a specified country.
  • Attention: typing in an incorrect file name will cause the game to crash!
  • load - quickloads the file in the HoI2\scenarios subdirectory.
  • save - quicksaves the game to the HoI2\scenarios subdirectory.
  • This cheat is useful when playing as a small country to run AI vs AI testgames.
  • handsoff - events that would normally pause the game will no longer do so.
  • savestats - creates a file in the HoI2 main directory called statistics.csv with statistics (tag, name, total ic, coal, oil, steel and rare materials stockpiles) of all countries currently active.
  • showxy - shows the coordinates in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • showid - shows the id of the province currently highlighted by the mouse in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • escorts - gives the player 100 escorts.
  • transports - gives the player 100 transports.
  • manpower - gives the player 5000 manpower points.
  • If no is given, the player will be the reciever.
  • nuke - gives the specified country 1 atomic bomb.
  • supplies - adds 5000 supplies to the stockpile.
  • money - adds 500 money to the stockpile.
  • hearts of iron country tags

    Note: before v1.2, this cheat code was * "rubber". rare - adds 5000 rare materials to the stockpile.metal - adds 5000 steel to the stockpile.

    hearts of iron country tags

    energy - adds 5000 energy to the stockpile.

    Hearts of iron country tags